International Mobility Today session led by the RCF at the 9th Culture Next conference in Elefsina

27 European cities met in Elefsina during June 9 and June 11 for the 9th conference of the Culture Next network. Designed as a space for exploration, the meeting offered the participating cities opportunities to connect with the Eleusis 2023 cultural programme and with relevant European networks and initiatives.
As a part of this programme on June 10, a session was held around “International mobility today: exploring mobility challenges and promoting mobility schemes”, with Fanny Bouquerel representing the Roberto Cimetta Fund.
This session was articulated into two parts: it gave first the opportunity to introduce the activities of the Roberto Cimetta Fund, which supports cultural mobility across the Mediterranean area. Drawing on its “Manifesto for the mobility of artists and culture professionals in the Mediterranean and worldwide”
Some major issues that are challenging mobility today in the aftermath of the pandemic were addressed, with a focus on sustainable mobility and ways to promote inclusive mobilities. The second part was dedicated to practical ways to translate these issues into mobility schemes – participants were encouraged to share examples, questions and challenges they have met to design and/or answer mobility schemes.