- cimettafund
- 1 year Ago
- 3 Min Read
Supported by the Institut Français du Maroc and the Hiba Foundation, and at the initiative of the Roberto Cimetta Fund ASF’ART, the first inter-regional artistic...
- cimettafund
- 1 year Ago
- 2 Min Read
These questionnaires are part of a study on mobility concepts and definitions in Africa and Europe coordinated by On the Move, the cultural mobility information...
- cimettafund
- 1 year Ago
- 1 Min Read
The Global Cultural Relations Programme (GCRP) is an opportunity that brings together practitioners from around the world to create meaningful connections and discuss cross-cultural collaborations...
- cimettafund
- 1 year Ago
- 3 Min Read
EAVE workshop Montpellier, France → Istanbul, Turquie (2011) How did this grant contribute to the realization of your project in regard to artistic exchange, local...
- cimettafund
- 2 years Ago
- 2 Min Read
Suspendisse odio lorem, iaculis ut turpis eu, malesuada ullamcorper mi. Maecenas interdum malesuada mauris, quis tempus purus varius eu. Duis venenatis, neque ac faucibus luctus, lacus enim fermentum ipsum, vel cursus erat libero ac neque. Proin ultrices, lectus eget tempus auctor, lectus mauris cursus orci, at varius justo sapien et tortor. Nullam congue accumsan dui, sed tempor mi posuere eget. Cura bitur vitae magna vel risus congue interdum non ac dolor. Mauris nisl augue, iaculis quis efficitur ac, aliquam eget tellus. Sed sed arcu quis nibh.